Sunday, February 15, 2009

Yay, CVS

I guess watching those CVS sales pays off. Just when we needed shampoo and conditioner, I found some. With three girls and me, all with long hair, we go through a lot of it. However, I like to use the good stuff. As in, NOT Suave or VO5 or White Rain. That stuff is crap for your hair.

Lucky for me, CVS had a deal on Herbal Essence this week. Buy 1 at $2.99, get 1 ECB. Limit of 5. I bought two shampoos and two conditioners, using two $3 off 2 coupons from the P&G insert on Feb. 8th. I paid with $6 in ECBs and got $4 in ECBs back. I paid a few pennies of tax out of my pocket.

I love free stuff. And it's even better when it's free, right when you need it.


Unknown said...

Wish we had CVS. They sound awesome! I just did the Albies buy 10 get $10 ONYSO deal this morning. My head hurts. lol

twelvedaysold said...

My mom gave me a VO5 conditioner and WOW. That stuff sucked big time.

My sister and I actually just made out own shampoo and soap! Of course, it cost $60 for the two of us to start up, but we're hoping it lasts a long time and pays off. What's that you say? I haven't even started using the shampoo yet and I should probably wait to start telling people it saves me money in case it sucks? You may be right.