Monday, March 31, 2008

I Think I Might Love CVS

Today my friend Jen and I went to CVS so I could get my free body wash. She wants to learn too, so she thought she'd watch me first. :)

Anyway, so this worked beautifully. I didn't get the Colgate, because they didn't have any of the right type on the coupon for $2.99. That's ok, because no one here really likes Colgate, so I would have given it away anyway.

Ok, so...I got:
4 Softsoap Spa Radiant body wash @ $4.99 each,
2 Lady Speed Stick 24/7 @ $2.50 each.

Coupons used:
$4/$20 for signing up for their email thing.
$3/$15 beauty coupon (thanks again, Precious!)
3 - $1/1 Softsoap coupons
2 - $1/1 Lady Speed Stick.

I paid with my ECBs from two weeks ago which totaled $12.97 (my original investment in this CVS shindig). I ended up paying 39 cents OOP, and I got $22.96 back in ECBs. Wow, I love this!

Thought I'd mention also that I was at Target this morning, and in their Dollar Spot they had $1 packs of Ray-O-Vac batteries, 4 AAs, at 75% off, so each pack of 4 batteries was 25 cents. I know they're not Duracells, but at that price, I stocked up. We go through batteries like crazy around here.

I also went to Sprouts this morning for my produce.

I got:
Bananas - 57 cents/lb
Pink Lady Apples - 88 cents/lb
Onions - 33 cents/lb
Strawberries - 88 cents each for 1lb containers. What a great deal that is! I got three of them.

Total: $6.48

Total so far for the week: $9.04. I'm counting the $2.00 + tax I spent on the batteries. I think the only other place I'm going to hit this week is Fry's....I didn't see anything spectacular at Basha's or Safeway.

1 comment:

American Dreamer said...

Shelley, You did great! I may have to go to Sprouts for that produce. I need onions. I am going to check the Superstition Ranch Market first.