Saturday, May 3, 2008

My Stockpile

Because I am a huge dork, I decided to post a few pictures of my stockpile. This is stuff I stocked up on when it was free or at a huge discount, so I don't have to pay full price later. I love being able to go shopping in my garage or my cabinets.

The first two are some shelves in my garage. Think we have enough cereal and Windex for a while? I stocked up on the Windex because I use it for a lot more than just mirrors. I use it for the countertops in the kitchen and bathroom, wiping down the leather couch, and getting dirty fingerprints off just about anything. It's quite versatile. :)

Ziploc bags and toothpaste, and about 9 bottles of Windex. They're about three deep on the shelf.

This is the cabinet under my bathroom sink. It has a lot of Herbal Essence and Sunsilk shampoo and conditioner, deoderant, body wash and toothpaste. I don't think you can see but all the way to the back in there are the 10 bottles of Softsoap Radiant Spa body wash that I got free at CVS.

More shampoo and conditioner. As I've said before, with three girls plus me in the house, I can never have enough of that. The Herbal Essence was a recent great deal at CVS, two bottles for $1.29, or about 65 cents apiece. I bought a lot. That little white basket towards the back is filled with razors and toothbrushes.

What's in your stockpile?


American Dreamer said...

Hi Shelley,

You have doen great building your stockpile and it is so neat! :-)

Shelley said...


Anonymous said...

What's in my stockpile? NOT MUCH! I do have tons of beans, rice and cornmeal, but sale stuff and boxed stuff? NADA.

I was looking at the cereal you have and thinking that Kenny could mow through that in a week. Seriously, we went through 4 boxes of cereal since THURSDAY. In 3 days. UGH!