Monday, June 9, 2008

I Did ALL My Shopping Yesterday

I usually grocery shop on Mondays, but because of the myriad of things going on today, plus having to be at work at 4pm, I ran around and did everything yesterday. My previous post? It didn't work out that way so much, because my CVS was out of the Brut deodorant. So, here's what I actually did yesterday after I got home from work around 3pm:

CVS #1
1 Schick Quattro razor, $9.49
2 Nivea Shave Gels, $2.79 each
1 Ajax dish soap, 88 cents

Used $3/$15 coupon
$2 off Schick razor
Two $2/1 Nivea shave gel here
Used $6.49 in ECBs and paid 96 cents OOP. Received $5 ECB for the razor.

I had printed out the Nivea coupons at work and stopped at CVS on my way home. When I got home, I printed out the two allowed coupons from my home computer and headed back to CVS.

CVS #2
2 Nivea Shave Gels, $2.79 each.

Used two $2/1 Nivea shave gel

I used $1 ECB and paid 46 cents OOP.

I received $5 in ECBs for purchasing $10 worth of Nivea men products.

Now I had enough ECBs for the Coke deal.

CVS #3
4 12-packs Coke, $11.00
1 Listerine Smart Rinse, $3.49
1 large bag popcorn, 99 cents (Daughter was going to a drive-in movie)

Used $3/$15 coupon, $1 off Listerine coupon

Paid with $10 in ECBs, and paid 71 cents OOP.
Received $3 in ECBs for the Coke, and $3.49 for the Smart Rinse

Whew. I'm down to only $6.49 in ECBs, but I hubby has a new razor and a lot of Nivea shave gel, plus we have two cases of Coke, more Listerine and a couple other things, and I only shelled out $2.13, which was the change rattling around in my pocket.

I also went to Basha's, Safeway and Fry's yesterday, but I think I'll do that post later.

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