Thursday, April 3, 2008


I spent $70 today. You may ask,

"Wow, Shelley, what'd you get? A week's worth of groceries? A lifetime supply of body wash and Windex?"

No...I bought one. tank. of. gas. That will last me a week, if I'm lucky.

I wish we could bargain shop/coupon our gas. CVS needs to put in gas pumps!


American Dreamer said...

Gas prices are horrendous and I just can't wait to see how much they jump when we go to summer blend. :-(

The only thing I can do about it is use my Register Rewards to get Free Shell Gas cards.

Jen said...


At Albertson's every now and then we get a coupon for .25 off gallon of gas up to 30 gallons. It takes it back to 2.99 :(

Shelley said...

Hey, at this point, $2.99 seems like the good old days. lol